Once there was this huge church that had three organs in three different
sizes. The largest and middle sized was a pipe organ and the least one
was a hammond. One sunday all three organs were going but each was
playing a different song which sounded more like a racket than music.
Bothered by all the music with three songs at the same time the preacher
was annoyed. After they got through playing he looked at the one playing
the huge pipe organ and said "What are you playing?" the organist replied,
"Bach sir." He looked at the one at the smaller pipe organ and asked, "Now
what do you call what you were playing?" The organist said," I was playing
the doxology." The preacher looked at the hammond player and said,"What
are you playing?" This organist was still playing and sang "Oh when the
saints, go marching in. When the saints go marching in. Lord I want to
be in that number, when the saints go marching in." about that time
the preacher looked at the least one and smiled when the song was over.
The congregation roared with laughter. The preacher spoke up again and
said," Now I want for everybody to play the same. About that the music
started up again all mixed up. With his face as red as the sash around
his neck, the preacher yelled. "Stop the noise!
You need to play the
same thing! "We did," they all replied. "Okay just you I like that one,"
said the preacher in his beautiful blue robe. The other two got up.
"What is the matter?" said the preacher. "I quit! I quit too!" The least
one begged. "Don't quit! I need your help. Let's do it this way, when
I get finished then the other starts then after that the biggest organ
gets to finish. Okay?" Well they all agreed. The preacher didn't get
to preach his sermon because the music took up three hours.
He finally got up and said,"Well folks I guess that's that. We had a
concert instead. The the lady at the smallest one got up and the
bench made a noise. "I liked when the Saints go marching in but I
didn't like that last note." You will figure it out.
judy tooley