What music are you listening to?


Simon and Garfunkel. With the way the weather is at the moment The Beach Boys were depressing me.


John Watt

Remember those old visuals with skyscrapers being built to the sound of a symphony?
Imagine the sound of many computer keyboards being battered mercilessly replacing the rivet guns,
with no symphony music in the background,
and that's what I'm listening to right now. I think my keys click the loudest, if not the fastest.
AND, uh, are you guys gonna take that from me?



Probably my favorite albums are THE SOUND OF SILENCE AND BOOKENDS but I can not think of a bad track that they cut. Parsley Sage is another favourite, partly because of the film THE GRADUATE.



Put The Travelling Wilburys in the car. Now they car travel with me, An underrated group considering the talent therein.


White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
Put The Travelling Wilburys in the car. Now they car travel with me, An underrated group considering the talent therein.


Teddy, absolutely spot on! That was one ass-kicking group who could really wail with Petty and the late, lamented Roy Orbison!

John Watt

Tom Petty wailing? Come on now. He's a notorious whiner, wannabe slacker.
Instead of "free falling", substitute "free basing" and see how noxious he can be.

I miss the sound of Roy Orbison's voice. He was more operatic than rock'n'roll, from a rock perspective.
And that was only being single tracked too.

The radio in this office setting is playing "classic rock".

White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
Tom Petty wailing? Come on now. He's a notorious whiner, wannabe slacker.
Instead of "free falling", substitute "free basing" and see how noxious he can be.

I miss the sound of Roy Orbison's voice. He was more operatic than rock'n'roll, from a rock perspective.
And that was only being single tracked too.

The radio in this office setting is playing "classic rock".

All's I know is that Petty--and that whole group--played some ass-kicking rock, at least IMHO.


John Watt

You can be musically tight as a band, as Tom Petty and his well-respected band is.
But what you get tight about sometimes can be a lifestyle decision.
After almost a lifetime of playing music full time all those guys should be up there with Mr. George Benson,
for example.
I catch a lot of flack for talking about a local legend, Gordon Lightfoot, that way.
Just because he can get it together to get out and stand onstage, with help,
isn't something I want to celebrate, considering his lifestyle choices led to that.
I'm just typing that so you know it's just not a Tom Petty thing.
What do people tell me, other than you're right and you're still alive and thrillin', not illin'.

That's because, the music I was listening to, was me. I went to an art festival in the downtown park and a guitarist didn't show up for an amphitheatre gig, and I was asked to play. Over an hour onstage.

I'll get technical, for magle.dk. Sitting down with a right-handed Stratocaster clone, when I'm left-handed, a beautiful guitar, and a digital amp with built in effects and pre-amp selections, I set it up one quarter treble, mids on half and bass on three quarters, the pre-amp on three and the main on full, a 100 watt Marshall, Jimi style setting, all the feedback, playing with the guitar on full. Starting off Rebel Yell by Billy Idol, I used my fingers on the frets to hits the notes that are the keyboard intro, banging the guitar in time instead of picking the strings, getting that synth-type sound happening. Letting that reverberate, I started picking hard on the Bm like the raunchy guitar. During the solo, waving the guitar around as much as I could, putting it on the stage to play it laying down, I picked it up and just let my finger cover the strings, moving up the fretboard. As soon as the feedback picked up a frequency, I'd push the tremolo down to depress the pitch and lower the feedback, doing that, looking like I'm sliding my finger up and down the neck. This sounded like birds or something going "whoo, whoo", some people onstage looking around and up to see where that was coming from.
That made me feel good. And I like Rebel Yell, one of the few songs where the singer is asking his angel to get up off the floor and go to 7-11 to buy him more cigarettes. Last night a little angel came dancing to my door, wanting bass lessons.
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