What music are you listening to?

John Watt

I just bought a new c.d. player, and yes, it has cassette functions too,
so I was listening to my new Jimi Hendrix c.d.'s.
I'm hearing dub noises that weren't there before, almost too much clarity and crystalline tones,
not the warmth of vinyl or cassettes.
Putting it on side-by-side with a cassette playing only provided proof of that.
And it's easy to see how the new producers played with it a little,
enhancing background talking and sounds, and I think I heard one new guitar part,
unlike anything Jimi ever put on record.

After that, I listened to a cassette a drummer made of us doing some original songs in 1984.
I should see if I can get that online here.
If I'm going to start playing my new guitar, I should work up some new songs,
and it wouldn't hurt to get some serious, uh, feedback.


The Rolling Stones loaded in the car. Some great R & B especially the early stuff. Little red rooster gets me struting


White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
Nothing. just been asked to turn the player off as it is too loud. Ah me.


Dear Teddy, I know exactly the situation you are in, believe me {the wife again, I should think}. My solution--if I intend to stay married--a good pair of headphones!


I do have a pair of cordless earphones Steve, and since I have joined the Skype society I also have earphones for the laptop. But to me it is not the same as a good blast from a decent set of speakers. Never mind, I will survive. Come to think of it I also have a portable CD player which I bought for my youngest pre I-pod days. Hang on. CD player. The man is more famous than I realised. :D


PS When will you be joining us on Skype Steve?

John Watt

The "Hissing of Summer Lawns"?
I haven't heard anything about that album for a long, long time.
That's really what took Joni Mitchell's pop career off the charts for most people.
But then, she recorded with Charlie Mingus on bass, getting very jazzy,
probably not something she hoped would drive her popular appeal down further,
just letting us know some of the hissing might have been meant for us, I think.

When "The Hissing of Summer Lawns" came out, a friend down the street bought it.
Here in our neighbourhood, the lawns were getting chewed up by all the animals
that were chased out of the field when Canadian Tire built their Canada-wide office.

teddy, and White Knight! Hey! If you've got some headphones, please,
listen to "Electric Ladyland" by Jimi Hendrix, and let him move around between your ears.
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I was a fan of Hendrix, and still am. Rarely listen to him these days as I only have him on vinyl, but I will play some, and think of you.

Joni always gets to me. There is just something about the lilt in her voice, and then of course there are the circumstances under which I first heard her.
