What music are you listening to?


New member
Oh there is a tribe in Australia that's called the Aberigonies. I didn't
spell that right. They sound like the Mayans of southern Mexico.
In spite of my blue eyes I have a little indian in me somewhere the
way I like things with a good beat. Even in my organ playing I use
the bass pedals to create rhythm. I guess that's why I was
ceized from playing. They got tired of my rock n roll pipe
organ style.
judy tooley


Admiral of Fugues
The Australian Aborigines are not a tribe at all, in fact they are (or more correctly were some still are) a collection of many different tribes. Nowadays, they prefer to be called Kooris or Mooris, generic.


Staff member
Earlier, it was music from The Mikado, live at one of our theater venues here.


New member
Goodness, what a diverse lot we have here (still, that's why most of us are here!:))

Earlier this morning: The Logical Song, Supertramp
Yesterday afternoon: Dances by Anonymous (from the Renaissance era), which of course leads naturally to Chick Corea's Mistress Luck ;)
Yesterday morning: Triptyque Symphonique, Pierre Cochereau (as transcribed and performed by David Briggs)
Later today: Deadwing, Porcupine Tree

...I'm in a mood, and I don't know what sort, hence the eclectic set list!:grin:


Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
The double album "The White Album" by the Beatles by EMI 1968. That first edition of the late George Harrison´s song: While My Guitar Gently Weeps, later on portraited by Eric Clapton and Duane Alman from the album "Aid for Bangla Desh" - always loved this song by the quiet almost insignificant George Harrison, who however was a significant part of the Liverpool, England band - The Beatles.


New member
I can't believe it!:nut: I was listening to someone on the net talk about
Guadamila in danish?:confused: These are mayan and spanish speaking people
in southern Mexico for God's sake!:rolleyes: English would be better and it's
bad enough.:grin: If it was in spanish or english I could understand some
of it.:shake::whistle:Oh well! The pictures were very pretty and there was a
volcano on the show on you tube. What do you guys think of that?
judy tooley


Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
John Williams (classical guitar) on the title song from the album "Cavatina", which also include songs like "Bach Changes" - "Woodstock" - "Sarabande".

The song "Cavatina" however also from the american movie "Deer Hunter" by director Michael Cimino from the early 1970´s.