What jazz have you been listening to today?


New member
brother matthew with eddie condons jazzband-a.b.c.
boyce brown was a talented swing era alto sax player.in 1948 he gave up playing and went into a monestry and became
brother matthew.in 1956 he recorded the above album.this record is very rare and first class jazz.if you ever see it,buy it. gord

John Watt

I was looking at a CD I bought at a community yard sale,
an old John Coltrane titled "John Coltrane's Gentle Side",
but I wasn't feeling mellow, even if "Alabama" and "After the Rain" are there,
my two favorite Coltrane recordings.

Even I'm getting tired of sloppy and slacker back-beats for pop chart hip-hip.
A Gene Krupa style drummer phase should be sampled soon.