What jazz have you been listening to today?

White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
On Spotify:

John Coltrane--Ole. IMHO, this is pure gold; I love the way the bass player augments his instrument on the opening cut, foreshadowing what the EST Trio's bassist would do so very many years later. Also, the trumpet player is outta sight, sounds like it might be Lee Morgan, but I shall find out definitely after I look up--and probably buy this CD--on and from Amazon.I'm wondering if the bassist Jimmy Garrison or Steve Davis. Will find this out as well.


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Check this out:
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Ak2jxmhCH1M&feature=player_embedded [/video]

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Br. Colin,

What a superfind on your part - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glory to God that Derek had parents who Loved him despite his physical and mental challenges and that a music teacher could detect the hidden talents he posessed.

""Junkanoo" by Barbara Dennerlein.

White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
On Spotify:

John Coltrane--Coltrane's Sound. As always with this unit, impeccable chemistry between Trane, Tyner and Jones. They're like some kind of well-oiled machine. Just incredible playing!


New member
eric dolphy--last date-fontana (cd)
philly joe jones--drums around the world-big band sounds-riverside (cd)

White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
On Spotify:

Ornette Coleman--Out of Nowhere, American Jazz and The Shape Of Jazz To Come
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White Knight

Spectral Warrior con passion
On Spotify:

Kronos Quartet--Monk Suite: Kronos Quartet Plays the Music of Thelonious Monk
Ron Carter--Uptown Conversation