I'm typing that I can understand where Alban Berg is coming from, with his attitude about not liking some music, Swan Lake in particular.
Obviously, Mr. Berg is happy to include modern technology in his listening experience, what can be considered new instruments.
I'm kind of the same.
My most extreme listening experience is listening to Jimi Hendrix on headphones.
Hearing the music move left and right, up and down and all around, is incredible.
Even though the rest of the world moved on through analog to digital, and Jimi couldn't,
I have yet to hear as complex and tonally challenging music and lyrics as he left us.
So I could look at all other music as not being mixed for headphones, or very limited in that respect.
But that's just stereo headphones, and the world is more than just stereo.
So I've got something new to go for, wanting to be electric symphonic.
As Alban Berg is now living in Quebec, and is admitting his love of atonal music, even cacophony more than being a Francophony,
maybe he can watch that Quebec movie about people who get off on being in car crashes and making love,
in the midst of all that carcophony and mayhem.
That would be getting atonal with an almost tunnel vision.
Jim Morrison of The Doors used to get into car crashes with his wife in almost every city he played.
Jimi Hendrix wrecked two Corvettes one summer.
If I lose it in a vehicle, you'll hear about someone who hit a cathedral and took out a big organ.