How's Your Weather?


Staff member
It's been raining cats and dogs here, 22°C

:lol: Be careful that you don't step in a poodle :lol:

94° currently with 28% RH, winds calm. Expecting thunderstorm activity just before dark (around 8:15pm)


New member
Hot and dry at 83 degrees. It's been in the 90's today and I cooked on
my way to the church anniversary party. I wanted it to warm up last
spring but this is hot. Whew:p:cry::bawl::cry:! That's me sweating.
judy tooley


Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
Working all night long to help out on the local Rock Festival, less than 400 feet from where i live. No rain during the night, but 60 minutes ago, when the gates opened for the audience of youngsters, so did the reservoires of the heavens open - Some shower of 15 minutes heavy rain from above.

I hope the sun appears, now I have been home to put on some dry clothes.


New member
Wow the temps gave gone up to 103 now. I'm glad I have this nice
air conditioner to keep me cool. I literally burnt up walking home after
and it was just 101 degrees when I got home at twelve. I wonder how
hot it will get before the sun goes down. I would have cooked at my
old place at the old house with no air conditioning just a box fan which
only cools when it's only 70 degrees outside and begging my landlord
for an air conditioner. Whew!:shake::nut:.
judy tooley


Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret.)
The one day Rock Festival finished yesterday evening at 9:30 PM, so did the rain almost simultaniously. Coming home, I fell in to a 9 hours exehausted sleep
to wake up early in the monday morning to notice, we´re back on the charts with sunshine from above, no clouds, no winds and the temperature climbing to 64 degress fahrenheit.


New member
Well, it's heated up to 97 degrees. "sweating smiley" A nice day to stay
under the air conditioner.:nut: I need to catch up on some knitting.
judy tooley