How's Your Weather?


Staff member
It's a nice 91 degrees right now. It's going to be another hot one up to 106 degrees. Arizona weather in Kentucky?
judy tooley

Nope ...

This time of the year we stay in the high 90's ... lots of thunderstorms and when it's not raining, the humidity is ... sticky ... a condition where one is much dryer standing in the shower with the water running :crazy:

Currently @ 2215 hours: 81°, 65% RH, winds from the SE at 8 mph. Forecast calls for more thundershowers throughout the week ... love that rain ... Right ON!!


New member
We just got a thunderstorm this morning while fixing breakfast. I had to
stop a few times because of lightening. Hopefully this will cool things
down for a while. It got up to 106 yesterday. Right now under cloudy
skies it's 79 degrees.
judy tooley


Staff member
It's 0736 in Tucson, raining, 77°, 70% RH, 2mph wind from SSW.
Forecast calls for continued rain all day with a high of 91°F.

I love this normal rainy time of the year here - anything besides boring sunshine :lol:


New member
rain, rain and more rain. sticky, yucky and the rain didn't help the fireworks display too much last night. the canons fit right in with the thunder. expecting thunderstorms later and rain, rain and more rain for the next several days.


^^ Yeah, but how about this instead of the fireworks, gc? :grin:


This kind of thing is much more common to the Florida Keys than Montreal...



New member
Wow Rojo, I never expected to see that here! I used to see them on the beach in Fort Lauderdale all the time. We forgot that there were going to be fireworks last night (figures that it was Canada's presentation, doesn't it?) and then we heard a boom and thought it was thunder. I went outside and realized it was the fireworks so I grabbed an umbrella and stood across the street to watch. I got to see the majority of the show from my house, but not the stuff close to the ground.

Australia's presentation last Saturday was the best so, I think. I got a video but couldn't upload it all in one chunk to youtube due to size. So I broke it into 3 clips. Two are already uploaded and am trying to get the last part with the finale up. For some reason the music I added to the film only can be heard in the first few frames of each clip...darn.

But here's the links so far: and


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Wow! What a sight that was...Our last full-scale Hurricane was in 1992(Iniki) so we are overdue for one - so far we have been spared...

Currently it is cloudy and 80F w/ 70% RH and 10 mph Northerlies.


New member
My neck of the woods Madisonville was hit by a tornado a few years ago.
Thank God my whereabouts were not in the same place. I was almost in
town when it hit just south of the city enough to still be in the city limits.
It was a bad one plus it hit also somewhere east of our Walmart.
Now for today it has been cloudy all day around just 80 degrees.
judy tooley


Well, thank goodness the waterspout didn't do any damage. If it had, I might have felt badly about appreciating it's beauty. It really is something to behold (not that I saw it live.)

I hope the hurricanes keep themselves away from you CD.

This summer (so far) has been full of days with variable weather; one minute sunny, the next cloudy, then rainy, then thundering... sometimes this scenario repeats itself a number of times in the day. Strange.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Awww Ms. RoJo - that was very sweet of you to say - If I was in Montreal right now I'd look you up and invite you for dinner at a fine dining establishment of your choice :):):)

When Iniki struck in 1992, it was the Isle of Kauai that got the brunt of it. Being on an island gives you no real escape routes from disasters unless you fly away early enough from the hurricane or if you know exactly when an earthquake hits, to be on a boat a few miles offshore cause the Tsunami will pass right under you and you'll hardly notice.


CD :):):):):):):)

Back on topic: Currently it is partly cloudy and 79F w/ 89% RH and 10 mph Northerlies.