How's Your Weather?


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Cold, wet and quite windy @ 5°C/41°F. Still no snow...


New member
Right now it's 31*F, but yesterday it was about 14*F. We got snow two days ago, but I don't expect it to stay soon. Hopefully more will come, so I can make some snow cream!


New member
This is one of those days the weatherman can predict anything (except hot weather) and probably be right. Currently -4C, mix of snow. freezing drizzle - rain and +3 expected. (HA!) Then forecast into the deep freeze again - and cycle back to above freeezing later in the week. What a CRAZY winter... Only about three inches of ice and snow on the ground at present. Not great walking - this can be hard on old bones - not to mention feeling somewhat stupid lying on ones back in the middle of an ice covered road. The local cities stopped using grit years ago - clogs up the catch basens. They spare the salt - costs. Mind you, the mayors parking spot and the steps into city hall are a clean and dry as on a summer day. Great if you an get that far over the snow and ice...


Staff member
I thought I would never say this about Tucson ... but it's too gosh-darned cold here ... frost on the car windows every morning is becoming a drag. We can't get our cars into the garage as we just moved and having ceramic tile laid, so most of the house furnishings are taking up both cars' space there.

Today was chilly - hardly got to 60°F/15.5°c - a slight breeze making it seem colder. This is so untypical for us this time of the year.


New member
Finally we will be getting some snow. It's been warm for this month. January here
is normaly snowy and cold for Kentucky. It has been raining buckets yesterday.
judy jennings


Some light wet snow overnight, only settled on roofs can't see any signs on the ground. Still got some roses in bloom though!!!!!!