My television set must be a 'composer' because it sounds just like that Karkowski whenever there's a thunderstorm. And I'm trying to have it 'repaired'!!! The aerial isn't working properly. I've never considered that the noise emanating from it could be called 'contemporary music'. Absurd. Clearly.
And you need to explore the 'music' of pixillating digital TV signals for it's musical potential. Or my cutlery drawer when I'm emptying the dishwasher. I'd pay heaps to go and 'hear' that in a 'performance' - NOT. Somehow I've always equated that noise with enslavement and a chore which has to be done.
For me, a composer is somebody who has studied rigorously at a musical conservatory, has competence on an instrument and writes in musical notation which follows a direct line from the 19th century, and makes music connected solidly to the past but with a 'voice' which has something to say. Pouring new wine into recognizeable shapes, if you like. "Noise salad" isn't music. No amount of arid, linguistic and forensic argument can convince me. But then, a good lawyer can spare a guilty man from the gallows if he has the language skills. Doesn't make him 'innocent' though, does it?
Trouble is, we live in an age where everyone has access to technology. All of a sudden everyone is a composer, or a writer or a 'film-maker'. The democratization of culture has lead to its debasement, IMO. It's the Reader's Digest world of creativity - everyone wins a prize. I'm so bored.