@ Teddy, I have only recently just begun "really getting into" this author. I really appreciate the way he approaches the dualistic nature of both humans and reality: I think at the core of his writing and philosophical outlook is the question of what is really real and who is really human? Having both seen Blade Runner and now recently finished reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? {on which the latter is based} I can see how he continues to explore these questions/issues. I thought that the book was a lot less violent and sexy than its cinematic progeny; I enjoyed both very much. As a matter of fact I'm about to order Blade Runner: The Director's Cut from Netflix once I finish viewing Glengarry GlennRoss, either tonight or tomorrow night.
p.s. Please forgive me if my language is kind of "off" tonite, I had the surgery on my ear earlier today to remove the basal cell carcinoma, and I'm still not at 100 per cent {whatever that might mean with my pea brain!}. I hope you are doing well Teddy, it's always a pleasure hearing from you and reading your posts. Stay well, my friend.