Uh... okay, I just got set up in a new apartment, getting into c.d.'s for the first time with professional equipment, but still liking the atmospherics and tone of cassettes, a personal listening system I greatly enhanced by using a Sony cassette manufacturing rack-mount as part of this residential system. I gave away my last 5th Symphony by Beethoven and went looking yesterday at the largest vendor of used cassettes, our local Salvation Army. I found three with the 5th, but just the introductions. It's the part that reminds me of a rainstorm that's my favorite. I bought a Mozart cassette that didn't sound that hot and a Vladimir Horowitz solo cassette, one of his last recordings, sounding mild. That all cost $2.
Having the manager support me as a mayoral candidate, her offer, by selling me Paul Young's hit single c.d. for half price, just a dollar, was more than nice, and a highly recommended set list of songs for any open-hearted listener. The bassist is beautiful.