Or you get the other extreme, being asked can I help you with anything by every assistant in the store, typical in Currys/PC world and other box shifters, Comet used to be the worst, no wonder they failed, or you get the assistants who push the item either on special offer or that which gives them the biggest bonus.
I can also remember things like shirts, vests and pants etc being in drawers under a glass counter top and you could have a good look at them, not have to fight the packaging to find that the vest or shirt was what my mum would call a bum freezer, i.e miles too short to cover the important bits, or the shirt sleeves stopped just below the elbow (I've got long arms).
On the other hand, it seems they have discovered a decent way to sew on buttons, I have a couple of shirts getting on for 30 years old which still have all the buttons, I can only recall 2 buttons coming off in the last 5 years or so, one cuff, one on the front.