great topic. Visualizing the answer is the first step!!!
Something to maybe consider: One person's utopia may be another person's dystopia.
Too true. Peace begins at home. On of Dr. Deepak Chopra's lines I liked the most is: "There is nothing worse than an angry peace protester."
I don't know why more of you don't have better ideas. I consider classical music folk waaaay smarter than Madonna (the morons...
Here's just a few (Believe me, don't get me started!):
Teach people that when someone states their opinion, it ONLY proves their point of view, not truth - too many people blindly believe what they are told.
Make politicians and decision makers actually accountable for what they say. There are so many records, video, audio, signed statements that they turn 180 degrees from once elected! Make them account for their statements.
Media NEEEEEED stop overdoing "give them what they want" and mix in some "give them what they need." Why all this insipid 'Rock School' and 'Rap School' and 'America Sings' mierde feces insulting garbage on TV and no 'Flute School' or 'Ballet Basics' or 'Vocalizing Basics' type of things? You have to look hard and long for even a useful yoga tv show, probably because they want the couch potatoes to survive to buy more tv sold crap!
People need to do everything to stop making so many babies. The worse part of this problem/solution is this: the intelligent people have maybe one or two children, and probably can afford them and grow them to be reasonable footprint on the worlds resources; the poorest and least producing needed goods to the planet people make the most babies.. so I'm totally in a quandry about this one.
Stop killing whales, dolphins, elephants, pandas, monkeys, all the endangered animals... I'm so embarassed to be a human right now on this earth...
Eliminate all weapons of mass destruction (OK we'll let TV go for now.. he he :crazy
Take all the constant terrible news off of AOL startup screen and TV commercials - you can't turn on a TV without seeing disgusting violent horrible painful scenes...
Teach people to value what they have, have them, for example, tell 10 things that they have that their ancestors didn't. Every day. Make them happily say it out loud! Make them appreciate the great things they have and not bombard them with advertisements telling them what they really don't need!
Have news shows start out with GOOD NEWS, does anyone remember what that is? Like what hard working businesses are succeeding, what students make great achievements and such.
Truly have open media on TV especially cable. Why is it only crumb bumbs have alternative media? Kids share all kinds of what we would call nonsense on their cells, why censor so much that people feel alone, never see a boob in their life, can see all the blood and violence possible, but never ever, ever, see someone make passionate love to a devoted partner. Oh well, I guess I'd call it hetrosexism if they did, and I'd feel the gays have the same right, and I'm back where I started...
Instead of the rediculous "Warning! Mature Subject Matter" that they use for senseless violence and childish garbage on TV, I'd like to see "Warning! Immature Subject Matter" that's more like it!