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Crescendo Pedal for GrandOrgue


New member
Hi - I am currently using the latest build 1665 for windows. Is this capable of setting the crescendo as shown above as I cannot get the 'current' button to work on the first setting after pressing 'set'?


New member
OK - 'current' button is working OK - just need to ensure 'Set' button is off before moving onto next slot. Already noted that there is no indication that the 'current' has been activated - already raised before I see. 32 slots seem quite a lot to me especially as my Crescendo pedal is not precise enough over the movement range to be able to control that precision. The pedal is an ordinary 10K pot. Is it possible,apart from repeating slots, to reduce this number? I have set-up the 'Scope' slots and this seems to work OK - just struggling a little with the 'scoped' part now to remove stops on the way down. I'll tackle that tomorrow but I'm pleased with the progress so far and thanks to all who have assisted me to date:)


New member
The white on white formating should probably be forwarded to the forum admistrators.

You don't need to use current. You could move to 2 and then use "<" instead. The only way to reduce the slots is to store the same content in multiple slots. To get stops disengaged, you need at least one off slot ("-") before/after the on region.

Mick Berg

New member
Thanks very much for this excellent, clear explanation. I finally understand what's going on, although I am now rather confused by Lars' video about using Scope with Generals and Divisionals.

It seems to me that any stop that is included in the Crescendo should be Scoped, so that the Crescendo will not alter the state of stops not included in the Crescendo. Could this not be automated? ie any stop added to the Crescendo is automatically scoped? Or am I not understanding fully? (very possible!)


PS One small thing - the numbers are offset by one in the content programming window - not a big deal but it might confuse someone.
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New member
I am now rather confused by Lars' video about using Scope with Generals and Divisionals.
Scope/scoped works the same for any general, divisional and the sequencer.

Could this not be automated? ie any stop added to the Crescendo is automatically scoped? Or am I not understanding fully? (very possible!)

How would you handle determining 3 different states (on, off, don't touch) from a two state drawstop (on/off)?

PS One small thing - the numbers are offset by one in the content programming window - not a big deal but it might confuse someone.
I don't understand, what you mean. What content programming window?

Mick Berg

New member
Scope/scoped works the same for any general, divisional and the sequencer.

>>I don't understand what Lars is trying to achieve. But I'm sure I will if I study it further.

How would you handle determining 3 different states (on, off, don't touch) from a two state drawstop (on/off)?
If this is a problem then I'm happy to accept that the idea won't work. It was just an idea, I don't have the knowledge to think it through completely.

I don't understand, what you mean. What content programming window?
In your example, the numbers in the top line of the scope table align properly with the rest of the table. In the content table, the numbers are offset by one to the right. Not a big deal by any means.
Maybe its just a result of changing the font to Courier.

I have started to prepare a full-blown spreadsheet with 80 stops and 32 crescendo steps. We'll see how it goes!

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New member
Hi I've tried various times to set the Crescendo and de-Crescendo. Crescendo seems to work fine (Scope) but de-Crescendo (Scoped) has eluded me and I get various results but not yet a correct one? I have followed the methods described but no success. All I'm trying to achieve is set a stop in slots 1-7 making a total of 7 and then remove them one by one in reverse order leaving just 1. Has anyone actually achieved this? - just a simple up down action. If so how? Thanks Chris


New member
Hi - Hurrah - After an afternoon of 'x' '-' '+' I've finally grasped it and is now working:) Thanks for your help and patience - I hadn't appreciated where the '-' came from but it all makes sense now. I should have realised earlier that your first slot is empty whereas mine has a setting - oops. Thanks again. Chris

Mick Berg

New member
Any pre-designed Crescendo setups?

I wonder if anyone has made a fully-fledged crescendo table for a big organ like the Burea Church AGO Extended? I mean all stops and 32 steps.

It would be a great starting point for the rest of us, if they were willing to share.

Mick Berg.
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New member
Having just programmed a Crescendo, I thought I'd pass on some information which someone may find useful.

Crescendo 'A' has 8 stops. Each stop is allocated 4 slots to compensate for the lack of precision with an ordinary pedal and gives a reasonable degree of control over the range.

I have used a BOSS FV-500L Pedal as the pedal action is smooth and the tension is ajustable. It also has a 10K pot to match the Midi Boutique MKC X module, which has 6 pedal inputs and I already use for the Expression pedals.

When setting up the Crescendo I found it necessary to save the Combinations at various stages, then check the file and Check it is doing what you expected, if all is well 'Export' it . This is quickly reloaded/Imported and saves starting allover, as I found out the hard way more than once:)

The Crescendo/De-crescendo works well with my expression pedal and a very useful addon to GO.

My thanks again to all those who put in so much hard work improving the capabilities of GO for all us mere mortals.



New member
GrandOrgue's crescendo is now updated with an option to choose whether it should preserve manually drawn stops or override them.

The Crescendo Panel now has an Override button which, when switched off, manually drawn stops will remain on during crescendo and decrescendo.