Bit of nostalgia


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Could be a country lane in England. Happy days

My Wife tells me that it was in England just before we left so once again I am showing signs of De Mentia:cry:

I was really just showing that the resolution of the old, small B&W prints is quite good the tinting I have now corrected


Yes Colin, it has come up well with none of the defects you would expect from an old B&W negative. I used to play around with a 400 ASA film and fire it off at 1250 ASA then overdevelop to compensate. This produced extreme blacks and whites. Very atmospheric.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Think of Kung-Fu...Disabling an opponent by words(tongue-fu) instead of physical force.............
Hudini would be proud of you Bro........

Yes Colin, it has come up well with none of the defects you would expect from an old B&W negative.
it is from a print not a negative teddy
I used to play around with a 400 ASA film and fire it off at 1250 ASA then overdevelop to compensate. This produced extreme blacks and whites. Very atmospheric.

The digital age has made things so much easier and there is some good free software that you can use, I still have an enlarger and film cameras but thay are redundent now.


Its a shame Colin. I used to enjoy locking myself in a dark room with lots of chemicals. :D:D:D (with or without Pink Floyd)
