teddy White Knight teddy wrote on White Knight's profile.
I have to admit I dont have much time for most of the modern progressive music I hear these days. The old stuff is far better. As far as the riots are concerned we have only had one smallish incident down this way, although I have to admit I have kept my gun handy at home, but we do live in a small quiet village. It mainly started with immigrants in the big cities and spread through all sorts of people who either like trouble or were bored. I know what my answer would be, and the solution would be very quick and at ten pence a cartridge very cheap. Keep well and speak soon.
I have to admit I dont have much time for most of the modern progressive music I hear these days. The old stuff is far better. As far as the riots are concerned we have only had one smallish incident down this way, although I have to admit I have kept my gun handy at home, but we do live in a small quiet village. It mainly started with immigrants in the big cities and spread through all sorts of people who either like trouble or were bored. I know what my answer would be, and the solution would be very quick and at ten pence a cartridge very cheap. Keep well and speak soon.