I can't see a request for a new forum getting very far when there are so few posters now on MIMF, and the individual forums on this site don't get much input at all, and usually less than 20 readers, some of which may be bots.
It doesn't even look as if Mr Magle or Krummhorn come here very often.
I am also puzzled as to why you've put a thread with the same title in the Classical Music Forum on MIMF and seemed to be copying your posts over. a couple of days ago.
Surely if you want a new forum for a specific topic, it's best to show that you respect the existing Forum Titles?
Noticed that, too. So I merged the two threads into one thread and deleted the (then) duplicate postings.
Personally, I am very grateful to Mr Magle for financing Talk Classical and MIMF and can't see why he should be expected to do any more, particularly when there is so small a membership and potential audience.
I get here when I can - being an administrator on TC takes an enormous amount of time as I also reply to emails from members or prospective members about the forum.
I am also a webmaster for a busy professional organization of organists, as well as publicity chair for the organization. These things along with my church position as an organist/pianist for a very large ELCA Lutheran church here keeps me busy most days of the week.
Of course I have a wife, a house, and two cats that also need my attention. :lol:
We would like to oblige with additional sub-fora when appropriate - right now with dwindling membership and/or site inactivity, it doesn't make any sense. Hopefully after things pick up we can look further into adding specific sub-fora for various subject matter.