People who walk into you, particularly coming out of shops, because they are so busy texting.
The other night leaving the concert hall, there was a fellow walking on the other side of the road, texting while walking, completely oblivious to where he was or what was around him. Soon enough, he walked straight into a signpost ... splat ... and it nearly knocked him to the ground. I laughed out loud and felt absolutely zero remorse for the clod.
I would love to have one of those portable air horns that are mounted atop a pressurized canister ... and pull up along someone in traffic who is chatting on the phone, and blow it ... BBBLLLAAAAAATTTTT!
Locally, the city has just banned "texting" while driving ... and the Arizona Legislature failed to pass a law banning cell phone use while driving. You know who I'm not voting for in the next elections ...
And now with the (future) Google eyeglass phone gizmo ... geezo peezo ... can't people live for 30 minutes without the internet or emails? We survived quite well without all this stuff 20 or 30 years ago. Technology is, in some ways, becoming harmful, imho.