Things in to days society that annoy you?


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
We get idiots texting whilst driving??? true......... and it is against the law but is too hard to police much easier to get some poor sod in a Jag or Audi going 5kph over the limit


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
I have just experienced another thing that annoys me and that is when people in an audience start yelping like demented dogs


I hate the habit, which I believe came over here from America, of the audience starting to clap/cheer as soon as a song/ piece of music starts thereby ruining the intro. If I was performing I would stop, wait for them to shut up, and then start from the beginning again.



Staff member
People who walk into you, particularly coming out of shops, because they are so busy texting.

The other night leaving the concert hall, there was a fellow walking on the other side of the road, texting while walking, completely oblivious to where he was or what was around him. Soon enough, he walked straight into a signpost ... splat ... and it nearly knocked him to the ground. I laughed out loud and felt absolutely zero remorse for the clod.

I would love to have one of those portable air horns that are mounted atop a pressurized canister ... and pull up along someone in traffic who is chatting on the phone, and blow it ... BBBLLLAAAAAATTTTT!

Locally, the city has just banned "texting" while driving ... and the Arizona Legislature failed to pass a law banning cell phone use while driving. You know who I'm not voting for in the next elections ... :eek:.

And now with the (future) Google eyeglass phone gizmo ... geezo peezo ... can't people live for 30 minutes without the internet or emails? We survived quite well without all this stuff 20 or 30 years ago. Technology is, in some ways, becoming harmful, imho.


New member
I hate it when some of these young parents sit in front of the
computer and ignore the kids. One kid is wanting attention
and the other is either into some mischief or has to go to the
bathroom or one of the kids are squalling and fighting with
the other sibling. Still the parents ignore the kids until the
librarian steps up and says something which makes the mom
or dad mad and walks out. My parents never ignored me at
all when I needed something. No wander you find teens now
days either in juvanile, or jail because of not being paid
attention to when they were kids.
judy jennings


Newspaper and other media companies that take peoples photos for publication and claim all rights to the photos without payment.

Example here

Here's what a branch of the National union of Journalists has to say about it

Not only media companies do this, many so called Photo competitions claim all rights to photos submitted, others like some web sites claim all rights to photos uploaded to them. It happens to music too, but the music industry does seem to be a little better at protecting its people.


Quite a common practice Mike. I suppose the only answer is to not submit anything to anybody unless your own terms and conditions are applied.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
It happens to music too, but the music industry does seem to be a little better at protecting its people.
That is a can of worms Mike, the people hurt most are the actual publishers and record companies who have made obscene profits over the years and they are shouting the loudest, some artists are promoting and selling themselves on the net and allowing very cheap and some times free d/l of their music, but that is another story and I am divided so to speak.


This stupidity over saving the Euro which is dragging most of Europe (and England) down the pan. We are just throwing good money after bad instead of letting each country float to their individual level, and then slowly recover. If Greece had pulled out by now their export market would be growing and the tourist industry would be thriving. At the moment Greece is struggling to persuade ;people to go there in case they suddenly pull out of the Euro, instead of encouraging hordes of holidaymakers who would be flocking there for a cheap holiday and spending their foreign currency thereby putting money with the locals where it would do most good.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
teddy I am with you there also all the banks and finance houses that make a mess of things why should we bail them out.
I have just heard on the radio that we are to pass a law that if any action by the Government causes a foreign owned company to loose money the Country (NZ) will be liable for all losses and will have to pay compensation, remember some of these companies were Utilities that were owned by us (NZ Rail for example) then sold to foreign companies they were then asset striped or run very badly, so now the poor old taxpayer has to pick up the tab. We are being taken for idiots


all the banks and finance houses that make a mess of things why should we bail them out.

Probably cos most of the upper echelons of governments are major shareholders?

As for railway "privatisation" don't get me started, in UK that has to have been the biggest farce and rip off of all time; instead of the lot being run by a government body (British Rail) we now have the track and buildings owned by one company Network Rail, (who contract out the maintenance) often referred to as Notwork Rail or Netwreck Rail, and a load of "Train Operating Companies" all of these have loads of highly paid executives, who for the most part know nothing about transporting people and freight. Fares are a nightmare, so many different chaotic rates, in some cases it's cheaper to buy two return tickets than one single, or the fare from A to B can be considerably cheaper than from a station on the same line a few miles closer to B than A! And the Government still fork out subsidies to them.


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Yeah Mike, we have a Rail work shop in the south island that provides jobs for local trades men of all types, we needed some new carriages so NZ Rail (brought back from Wisconsin Rail by the Tax payer after being run into the ground) contracted out to a Chinese company, makes good sense eh??


Same here. The program for new carriages which would provide much needed employment here has been awarde to..................the germans.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????



Greece is the canary of the Eurozone

In the old days coal miners used to take canaries down the pit with them in a cage. If the canary keeled over because of poison gas, they all got out quick. They did not glue the canary back on the perch.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Yes and now there is Cyprus, hope they don't drag us all with em!