Thank you Intet
Sorry to be naughty.
It was just a bit of fun.
Don´t worry Ms. Margaret :tiphat: Caught with my trousers down. At the age of 54, I can still laugh at anything, mostly myself - except for dentists.
You see there was no way this poem could be about dentists in my book, the sentence "I am glad I came now You made it worth my while".
Obviously no one is "glad" to go to the dentist. In my book a contradiction in terms. I have to visit a hypnotist every time I have to go. In fact he told me 26 years ago: "I can cure you from being terrified of dentists". He does - every time I go. What the heck 200 dollars here and 200 dollars there, who cares? And that´s before I have even entered the clinic of mouth torture.
I always have the image from the old american movie The Marathon Man (30 something years ago), Dustin Hoffman as the victim of Laurence Olivier acting like a former Nazi torturer inside Dustin´s mouth, asking the same question over and over again, about some missing diamonds. "Is it safe?", while hurting Dustin deliberately with his dentist instruments.
Here´s a peom about visiting the dentist.
"The Root Canal.", by Marge Piercy:
This tooth is hollowed out to a cave
Big enough for tourists
To go through in parties with guides
In flat-bottomed boats.
... I am nothing,
nothing at all, but a reluctant
pyramid standing here, a grandiose
talking headstone for my tooth.