Requiem for a dream - anti smoking - 3D animation


New member
I agree Intet - the self motivation is definitely the key. And all those products that are supposed to help you quit will only work if you want them to work.

And the worst thing is "rewarding" yourself. "I've been so good, let me reward myself with a cigarette, then 2, then 3"


Staff member
I agree Intet - the self motivation is definitely the key. And all those products that are supposed to help you quit will only work if you want them to work.

And the worst thing is "rewarding" yourself. "I've been so good, let me reward myself with a cigarette, then 2, then 3"


Bingo!! The remarks about the "rewards" are so true ... I fell into that pit several times before my cold turkey quit on November 1, 2004. Been smoke free ever since - and enjoying life more knowing that those cancer nails aren't going to shorten my life anymore.

When quitting, get rid of all the lighters and ashtrays, too. I threw all mine into the trash can the night before - I woke up on Nov 1, 2004 as a new non-smoker. Heck, medical insurance is cheaper too as are life insurance policies, not to mention the money saved not buying coffin nails.


Staff member
. . . I have bought what I call my ultemite test. I bought a pack and I'm waiting until I can't stand to look at them. judy tooley

So, how did this "ultimate test" go, Judy?
Are you able to cut down, at least? Them things gotta be really expensive these days - how much does a pack cost now?


New member
Since I live in a region that grows tobacco cigarettes are pretty cheep.
I got a free pack Monday. They range from three dollars to a dollar and
one half to two. It depends on the brand. I don't get the most
expensive ones. I have cut down quite a bit. I have news for you. If
I tried to smoke two packs a day I couldn't breathe. I do well with just
one cigarette within two hours and then then maybe a half of one.
I don't see how some people smoke more than that.
judy tooley


New member
Wow, thats pretty cheap! I dont know if thats good or bad for you though, on one side its good, but on the other side - it makes it so much more accessible.

But good for you that you could cut back. I think when people smoke a lot, its more of a mental desire than anything else.

Although I was never a smoker, I did smoke a little bit - u know, what we call a "social smoker," which could actually turn you into a real one when socializing with russian crowd :crazy::smirk:. When we are all gathering in our circle of friends, and go outside to smoke. And then we would start smoking and chatting, and since our chats are usually quite long, we reach for another cigarette, and then another - so thats how it happens. :rolleyes:;)


New member
Im telling ya! There's a joke that my husband tells about this situation:

"I really dont smoke, I only smoke when I drink. And since I drink everyday, there exists a false impression that I smoke" :cool:


New member
We all need to realize that there are worse habits out there. I could be
the one wanting to get off drugs. Don't worry about that I do well to
take an asprin when I do need it.
judy tooley


New member
This is really good effort to make people aware about anti smoking. Smoking is really a deadly habit. Those who are addicted in this bad habit, they should read it. Although I have never been addicted to tobacco, but I know how it’s dangerous and how it can affect to ours health. If you are a smoker you would realize the worth of my words. There are many options available in the market to quit smoking such as nicotine gums, inhalers and medicines like chantix, champix and zyban. Apart from these support measures what really is needed is the will power and self control.
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