How's Your Weather?


New member
Right now it's sunshine at 74 degrees. I wished it would come a nice
rain without storming. That would be better. Now I know how
Krummhorn feels about his Arizona weather. Dry!:p
judy tooley


New member
Right now it's about 76 degrees outside. I've been inside all day on my
companion the laptop. I woke up cold this morning I think the low was in
the forties.
judy tooley


New member
No I don't have a cold, but it's been cold outside at 41 degrees in the
morning. I woke up a bit chilly and tried to deside if I want the heat on
or just wait and let the sun come up and warm things up a bit.
judy tooley


New member
It's bizarre here. Cool this morning, quite warm during the early afternoon then a small but unproductive thunderstorm and now it's dry and blowing a gale. There are black outs in some parts of the city, but not here. I'll say it again, bizarre!


New member
bizarre is now an analog word for disfunctionnal... but i'm not going to play the hardcore ecologist that i'm not.

grey cloud layers and bearable temperature ( still about 15 ) over the sun king castle. hi everybody!


New member
The weather's fine. I'm sick, though. Just peeped in. My eyes still hurt.Typing with eyes half closed.


New member
Margaret, same thing today, though the rain is a little shy. i hope you won't find me too caalier if i dedicate to you and everyone who reads this a tune i simply adore, a tune virtually everyone knows:

Bill Withers - Ain't no sunshine


New member
wow thanks go back to you cause it's been so long since the last time i saw Mister Withers. i did thought of sending a youtube video but i can't where i work. i only can see ( not even hear...) those that are embedded or use a link like hte one you posted. thnaks again.

now i know why i love the color orange!