How's Your Weather?


New member
We are under a heat advisery today and all ready it's at 91F. degrees.
I just got a blast of it from the window. It felt hot. I don't know what
the high will be yet.
judy jennings


New member
We are under a heat advisery today and all ready it's at 91F. degrees.
I just got a blast of it from the window. It felt hot. I don't know what
the high will be yet. I wonder how Kromhorn is doing today?
judy jennings


The last few days have been rubbish with average temps of 62f, wet and windy, and with more of the same forecast.



Staff member
The last few days have been rubbish with average temps of 62f, wet and windy, and with more of the same forecast.


I'll gladly trade your weather for mine ... we're tipping the thermometer over 100°F/37.7°C everyday now ... loads of [stupid] :scold: sunshine ... evenings on the rear patio though are delightful - slight breeze and beautiful sunsets.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Currently cloudy and breezy @ 28 C.

Dear Kh, please forgive my asking - how can sunshine be stupid? I honestly just simply can't wrap my enfeebled mind around that concept.