Nuff said? You should watch your typing, Corno Dolce.
My favorite girlfriend, during occasions of extreme duress,
used to say rabbits go "nuff nuff".
The average temperature of the Niagara Peninsula has been higher than Florida,
three years out of the last five, the first time that's ever happened.
Scientists say the Niagara Peninsula receives most global warming effects,
because we're in between the bottom of two of the Great Lakes.
Ten years ago it literally didn't snow at all until the second week of February,
and the weather has been getting more moderate ever since.
I would have thought that you, as a moderator regulator, would encourage global moderation,
and with your gastronomic excellence would be looking forward to reheated mastodon stew.
This has been bad for my bicycle. Instead of having winter to rebuilt it every year,
I'm just riding it all the time, three years now without any repairs, and it needs them.
Sleeping on a picnic bench along the Niagara Parkway, snoozing in the sun in winter, without bugs? Priceless!
Except for the new climate devestations others are suffering.