How's Your Weather?


New member
Right you are Mike! Well it's another bright, clear day here in the Montreal area. It's supposed to reach a high of +19C, and warmer again tomorrow- but - for the first time the dreaded word FROST is in the forecast tonight. Probably not around the city though the expected low is around +4C. One thing is good though - NO MOSQUITOS.. That I can live with. ATB!:)


Again bright and sunny 67f Could this be an Indian Summer? I do hope so as we did not have an normal one.


Staff member
Two days of respite from the blistering sun ... today it was only 88° for ahigh, same tomorrow, but running up the ladder towards 100° again by the weekend. September is supposed to be in the high 80's ...

The humidity here today was so thick we could cut it with a knife.