There I was, my sixty year old six octave self, invited to an open stage jam, the owner talking gig.
Even though I was the only professional musician there, still playing, I felt like a nerd with this rough crowd.
I picked on the biggest of them, a guy who got up and sang what could have been a song or rap.
After he sat down, I went up to him and said "how come you didn't sing that?" He said "What?"
So I leaned down into his ear and sang the long siren sound Axle sings for "Welcome to The Jungle".
He looked up, eyes shiny and trying to clear, nodding his head, his friends leaning in to see what's happening,
and he stood up hugging me, saying Axle Rose out loud, getting all the attention.
When Slash visited St. Catharines to see a radio d.j. friend of his, he was very friendly.
He stood outside for over two hours talking to anyone who was there, and revealed something.
He puts out new age jazzy product under a different name. That made sense to me, how melodic his riffage is.