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  1. Nightingale Stop - WAV File!!!

    I probably should have posted this as a new thread in the first place, but I had placed it under an exiting thread in which I asked about ornamentation stops... In my effort to find an authentic pipe organ ornamentation stops, I came across an interview featuring an Italian Barouque pipe organ...
  2. Individual Stops Sample Sets!

    I certainly do not want to undermine the work some people have done in sampling entire pipe organs; but from my perspective, where I am trying to bring life back to an orphaned pipe organ console, all I am looking for are a few specific stops. On the console I am converting, there is a Quintaton...
  3. Working with Ghent Belfry Samples

    Has anyone worked with the samples from the Ghent Belfry? Does anyone know what factor should be used with PipeTune to get the pitches corrected? Is there a program out there that will display the pitch of the pipe samples we use in our organ definitions? Thank You, Jay
  4. Effects Samples for Pipe Organ?

    Does anyone know where I can get samples of pipe organ effects, such as nightingale, glockenstern, etc., that will work with GrandOrgue? I already have a zimbelstern that works well, but I am looking for other effects stops. Thank You, Jay
  5. DIY-Reversible Piston Control

    This is for the do-it-yourselfer members of this forum... If you ever find yourself working on an organ console MIDI conversion, and you come across the need for a solid-state version of a reversible piston control, here it is! The attached PDF file contains the silkscreen and etch patterns to...
  6. Kilgen Opus 7722 - Conversion of a Pipe Organ Console to VPO - Part 1

    Kilgen Opus 7722 - Conversion of a Pipe Organ Console to VPO After having played my converted 2-manual Moller pipe organ console, our Church organist expressed an interest in having a virtual pipe organ console for himself. As luck would have it, we were offered a 3-manual Kilgen console built...
  7. Console Conversion Thread

    I am in the process of converting a massive 1955 Kilgen 3-manual console to be used as a GrandOrgue or Hauptwerk VPO. I am sure many of you have done these conversions. Perhaps some of you have not. If it would be of benefit, over the next several weeks, I can put together a thread detailing...
  8. GrandOrgue & 70+ Stops/Couplers

    I am planning on coverting a 3-manual console with 70 stops/couplers. The MIDI controller boards I am using have 64 key inputs per MIDI channel. In order to accommodate all of the stops, I would have to connect some of the stops to another MIDI channel. The channel controlling GrandOrgue stop...
  9. GrandOrgue and RAM

    I know that 32-bit Windows operating systems only recognize 3GB of RAM. In a 64-bit Windows OS, can GrandOrgue handle any more than 4GB of RAM? If so, are there any special configuration considerations? Thank You, Jay
  10. Now that I've got my VPO...

    Now that I've got my VPO, where can I find some easy arrangements for pipe organ that are written for a 32-key pedalboard? I built my VPO, not because I am an organist, but because electronics is my hobby and I have an interest in pipe organs. My problem is that I have about two years of student...
  11. Quest for a Grander Tutti

    Since my VPO has a two-manual console, I find myself limited in getting that "Great Organ" sound. What would be really cool is if a Grand Organ were sampled, going through the pedals and manuals, with all of the stops drawn. This way, I could program my pistons to activate these "Grand Tutti"...
  12. My Organ Project - Moller Opus 11045

    I just brought a retired 2-manual Moller pipe organ console back to life using the HWCE MIDI Encoder Bundle #3 from MIDI Gadges Boutique and MyOrgan. It took about a month working nights and weekends to complete the project. My intention from the beginning of the project was to incorporate as...
  13. MyOrgan and Stops Issue

    I acquired a 2-manual Moller pipe organ console built in 1975 and fitted it with the HWCE-Bundle 3 from Midi Gadgets Boutique. I used the Smenco tutorial file as a template to make a custom organ definition. I am able to get all of the keys and pedals working correctly in MyOrgan, but I am...