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    Frederik Magle


PDF scores - Help service


Hi friends !

I start this new thread "PDF Scores Help Service" where we can ask for a score we need or send to a friend a PDF wanted.

So, please, use this thread only
- to ask for a PDF score.
- to answer to somebody looking for a score.
- with respect of copyright rules.


New member
I'm looking for the score to Bach's "Komm sussen Tod." I believe it's a chorale from one of the cantatas, but I can't remember which one. Either the original chorale or an organ transcription would be welcome.



Admiral of Fugues
Here's "Komm, süsser Tod, komm, sel'ge Ruh'!" Actually not from a Cantata but one of many sacred songs Bach penned (you'll need a crash course in reading figured bass, I'm afraid!!).

My German's not brilliant but here's a translation:

Come, sweet death, come blessed rest!
Come guide me to peace
For I am world weary
Oh come, I wait for you
Come soon and guide me
Close my eyes
Come, blessed rest!

A good explanation to figured bass (basso continuo) is given here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basso_continuo#Basso_continuo

Virgil Fox (I think?!) famously "orchestrated it" then adapted it for the Wannamaker Organ, where progressively the stops are pulled out from extremely soft to noisy without using the crescendo pedal.
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New member
Hi Contratrombone 64,

Thanks for the score. I don't have a problem with the figured bass, though of course I'd be interested in a "realised" version, if one exists. But this will do for now.



New member
This reminds me so much of the St Matthew Passion (which I remember singing as a child)


New member

Yes, it does--which is probably why I assumed it was from one of the cantatas. I'm thinking of writing a new English text to it (not the sombre one given here) and having my children's choir sing it while I accompany them on the organ. I think this melody would sound lovely sung by children's voices.



New member
I would like to request J. S. Bach's Pastorale in F for organ.
I found it somewhere some years ago (don't remember where), but it was only the first movement. I would love to have the complete score, including the bit in F minor, which uses a reed stop.

I would be overjoyed if someone could help me here, and i have quite a bit of digital sheet music available too.

Thank you very much in advance.



I think I still have this music, I must verify. But I also remember it was in a large paper format, may be difficult to scan with an A4 scanner.
I 'll search the score this afternoon.


New member
I don't know if this is the one you are looking for:confused:. I found it on a digital book I purchased on e-bay.


New member
That was indeed the one I was looking for.
Baie Dankie, Johan.
If there is anything I can do in return, let me know.

Now, by the way, another one I am looking for (I used to have it years ago, but lost it in moving countries) is Josef Rheinberger's Cantilene in F.

And, like I said, if anyone is looking for something, always feel free to ask.


New member
Flute I will be going to church in a little while and I will look the song
up in the Methodist Hymnbook for you and other hymnbooks as well
and see if I can't find it.
judy tooley


I don't know this song, but if you have it in midifile or any printed format other than 4-parts, may be I can write the 4 parts arrangement for you.
Friendly. :)


New member
Good day all.

Do you know of a website where I can find out how to change multiple instrument music into organ notation? I have a lot of midi files, when I open them in Finale I get the printed score, but for every instrument used. I don't have a clue where to start transcribing all these different instruments into something that can be played on an organ.


New member
Hi Musicalis!
I was able to find a four-part midi recording of "Channels Only" and to print it out. But thanks for your offer anyways.
Now I'm looking for another song -- the aria "Lascia ch'io pianga" from Handel's Rinaldo. A version for soprano and organ would be preferred. I know that there is an English text for this song, "O Lord correct me...," that can be sung in church. Help in finding this text would also be appreciated.



I do not think such software exists.
I do not know finale, because I use Harmony Assistant that is similar.
With this sofware, there is a very powerful script language and with this language it is possible to do everything, including what you need.
May be you have a script language too with finale ?


New member

Im looking for a score or preferably an organ transcription of
Johann Sebastian BachSinfonia in D, from Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29


New member
I recently found two pieces by Eugene Gigout, they were listed under "Gregorian Album by Eugene Gigout". The pieces are number 1 and 62. I'm looking for something with the same "flavour", the pieces are easy enough so I could learn them in a couple of hours and everybody in church like them. My teachers is borrowed my book and is using other pieces from it, but some of them are a bit out of my league.

Can anybody suggest simmilar music by other composers?