You tube get out of my face!!!!!!


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Are you getting pussed off with youtube?? All I get now are adverts at the start of the majority of clips some you can skip by clicking (the advertiser would payfor each click I bet) and some you have to watch ughhhhh. As well as this I keep getting annoying pop ups asking if I want to use my real name (are they nuts) of course I don’t want to otherwise I would. exasperation :mad::mad::mad:


I use Adblock on Firefox, the only ads I see on the toob are those embedded in the videos and there aren't many of them.

The real name thingy is a PITA, if anybody figures how to remove it please let us all know!


They are a pain I agree but it does give me access to some clips I would not otherwise see so I put up with it. The only alternative would be a subscriber service where you pay a fee to be advert free.



Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Yes it is the embedded ones I am on about Mike we used to get the odd one but never this load of old rubbish, I may just do as they suggest and use my real name now what would be a good one :cool:


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Well, I also use FF + Adblock and I don't see any adverts. There are the ones that are put in the video by the person who posts it, but these can be turned off with one click, so it's not too much of a hassle for me.

Oh, and what's that real name pop up? I don't see that, either.
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Oh, and what's that real name pop up? I don't see that, either.

Only seems to come up after one has been there for some time, a bit random.

I've just added Youtube to the Adblock Pop-up blocker add-on list, see if that has any effect.
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Chief assistant to the assistant chief
I use McAfee which blocks pop ups but the point is the amount of adds compared to say 6 months ago some you can skip but there is a lot that you just have to sit through which I do not.


I think that applies to most things Colin. Anywhere they cam make a bit more money is fair game.



Staff member
I'm also using FF and Adblock ... no adds ever come up on YT for me either ...

Also as a reminder: be sure to dump your browsers cache periodically - delete all those stale cookies and give the browser a fresh new start on sites. Sometimes those old cookies have very old and stale settings for various websites.

I routinely dump my cache every two weeks ... and all the history, too.


Also as a reminder: be sure to dump your browsers cache periodically - delete all those stale cookies and give the browser a fresh new start on sites. Sometimes those old cookies have very old and stale settings for various websites.

I routinely dump my cache every two weeks ... and all the history, too.

But doesn't that mean you have to keep logging in to all your usual sites every time you delete the cache? Which means remembering which password you used! PITA!


I find that as long as I tick the REMEMBER ME box it retains most of the information.



New member
I, like the adverts. With the slow internet connections in SA I now have time to make a cup of coffee before the actual clip starts ;).

I also don't get the "real name" thing, even my granny knows you never put your real name on the internet!


With the quality of television these days sometimes the adverts are better than the programs
