when Big Brother goes just too far


Staff member
I agree with ya there, CT64.
Wonder if Centrelink, in all their masses of data, also has info on how much each patron spent in the course of gambling to gain the pittance of winnings? Seems, the patrons ought to be able then to deduct their losses against winnings as well.

In the US there is a rule for filing gambling losses ... and that is losses cannot exceed winnings when reported on ones Federal Income Tax.

Sylvie Pacey

New member
When Big Brother goes too far

Must confess I was astounded when I visited Star City Casino last year. So many people sat for hours in front of machines making generous donations to the Casino owners. By the way, do the proprietors relay their gambling gains to the Revenue Authorities? They are the only ones to make any real profits from gambling. I'm not a gambler myself, can't even win an argument.:rolleyes::rolleyes:By the way, the steak in the restaurant was wonderful. Sylvie:)


New member
I spent my annual gambling allowance on several useless horsies running in yesterday's Melbourne Cup.

Yes, Star City is a strange place to visit. I believe the operators run special bus services to and from areas that are home to people from cultures that are really into gambling. There was also a public awareness campaign, in Melbourne, I think, advising parents that it's not a very good idea to leave their children locked up in the car overnight while gambling.

Back to CT64's story ... shocking to think that people who are really disadvantaged are being targeted in this manner. However, I understand there are people who rort the system by pretending to be ill or have no income.