What's Your Problem Today?


New member
We all have problems, don't we? While it is not good to dwell on them much longer than we dwell on the blessings, sharing our problems with friends (those shareable, anyway) can bring the gravity of the problems halfway down. Since we have grown to be a community of good people, at least, the least you can receive is consolation of friends who care. It is also an opportunity for others to help, in any way we can, be it mere words of comfort, prayer, or tangible action.

To start off...

My problems for today:
- still haven't got enough to pay off electric bill so the meter can be reconnected since Friday (getting used to it though) :D
- paid blogging opportunities is zero today


New member
problems of the day:

my neck hurts.

i can't say if i will keep this job, and i'm waiting for a recrutment calling that is supposed to be published today.

the woman i love doesn't want to go on.


Staff member
- there aren't enough hours in the day for all that I need to accomplish today
- there isn't enough time tomorrow to finish those things that I can't get done today

C5: that has to be rough without electricity for the basic needs of cooking and just regular daily living. Hopefully things will turn in your favor soon.


New member
Propblems for today.

Very painful hands, hopefully I will find out on Friday what is wrong with them.
Being out of work, with not much hope of a job at the moment.
What to buy people for Christmas.

But mine seem small copmared to the problems some people have. I hope you can sort out your electricity soon C5.


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Wow! C5 is struggling to pay her electric bill during the Christmas season, sunwaiter may be without his ladyfriend in the Christmas season, GrandDame Margaret has painful hands and bleak job prospects, and GrandMaster Krummhorn has a challenge to fit all the important things that need to be done into a 24-hour timeframe - Gee whiz, what can I do? We beseech Thee O Eternal One to hear the cries of thy children to come to their aid and bless them richly wherever in the world they may be.


New member
Thank you CD, your prayer is really apreciated. I feel lucky that my problems are small compared to other people.



New member
thank you CD that was kind of you.

my nostrils still function wonderfully as do all of the different parts of my body. but yeah this is to be in the other thread C5Says has created. anyway.

may you all have a great day.


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
My problem today - all the driving rain has made it impossible for me to take my walk - I had to use my indoor treadmill :shake::shake::shake:


New member
- the internet shop is closing so i can't comment more...tomorrow when i come back
- still dark at home


New member
It's almost white-out conditions outside, yet we need to walk to the market for a few things. Time for the ninja mask and fur hat.

Hawk Henries

New member
I have very little money to buy food, pay bill's, buy gifts ( after all I build flutes), I have a herniated disc in my lower back which makes it difficult to do anything without discomfort, my eyesight is failing, my family says I do not hear as well as I used too but...
I find that these discomforts offer me perspective

My back hurts after days of making gifts,

I savor every bite of food and am thankful for being able to bite/chew it,

If my eyes ever stop working I will not be blind, nor deaf if my ears fail for my ear's and eye's remember.
I love Life and am Thankful for it's blessing's even when they do not come in the manner that is comfortable...


New member
You are a little like me. I enjoy knitting and I'm trying to start a prayer
shawl ministry without any luck. My teeth are getting worse. I crunch
down on a frito and worry that it's not a tooth that crunched. My medicaid
card doesn't work anymore so that leaves me in a fix for my teeth and eyes.
Maybe the Lord will bless me with the Shawl ministry that I'm longing for.

judy tooley
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New member
Stephen, how long does it usually stay like that?

In the year that I have been here, my experience has been that anywhere from 1 day to several days. After I bundled up in layers, it was actually quite nice to be walking about in the snow. It was just on the way home when the snow was blowing into my face (forgot the ninja mask) that I wished I had some type of visor or something. But it sure feel Christmas-like.


New member
I have very little money to buy food, pay bill's, buy gifts ( after all I build flutes), I have a herniated disc in my lower back which makes it difficult to do anything without discomfort, my eyesight is failing, my family says I do not hear as well as I used too but...
I find that these discomforts offer me perspective

My back hurts after days of making gifts,

I savor every bite of food and am thankful for being able to bite/chew it,

If my eyes ever stop working I will not be blind, nor deaf if my ears fail for my ear's and eye's remember.
I love Life and am Thankful for it's blessing's even when they do not come in the manner that is comfortable...
Gee Hawke, those words (except for the making of flutes) could have come out of my mouth last year. Especially the herniated disc and bad eyesight and, what was that I heard?

Solution: back surgery, new eye prescription for lenses and turning the volume up a little. Keeping a healthy and positive attitude works wonders, and you sound like you've got that in spades.