Springtime this year, began yesterday when Shcockleberry came running in from the garden. He pointed with his fingers to the garden speechless. So outside, we saw the first yellow tulips and some purple ones of unknown origin, I´ve never seen - all blossom in my garden to the north.
The birds yesterday morning at 04 AM, when I was awaken were singing louder than the day before yesterday, which is always a good sign of the spring time. And the sun actually shined, bright and proud and welcomed us for the new season in the sky. In Denmark we have 4 seasons, each of them impossible to predict according to the weather.
Springtime personally to me, when it arrives is like everything begins again, everything is new, post a long and very awful wet autumn and winter, when it´s hard to find any pedestrians smiling and even Christmas seems hollow and empty because the usual lack of snow (thinking of rojo shoveling snow).
Springtime is the season where we move all the garden furniture outside again, it is the season, where we put our wrist watches backwards one hour awaiting the Summertime Blues. So the day begin one hour earlier, which means we get out of bed (some of us) one hour earlier.
We smile again and soon we have forgotten the realy wet autumn and the winter time. We all put away the sweaters, the skiing equipment, we didn´t use this year either, the overcoats, the Wellington boots and the umbrella (however not far in this country), and the days themselves get longer, which means the ones of us, who just can´t wait for the summer to arrive have the first barbaque parties, meeting friends and neighbours, smiling to each other - even if we have to stay in an empty garage, or get back inside my mansion to stay warm at night.
Everything outside in our common nature blossoms, reborn in all the colours of the rainbow, and then some, and the problems we all had during the winter seems to decrease in the springtime, most likely in Denmark because of many more sunny hours.
Springtime is the best season, when it´s spring. When the summer arrives, the summertime is the best season and so forth.