US Media - Inducing Spite in America?


New member
Each night I watch a version of the US news to keep abreast of what is happening there. I had been watching Fox News before we moved but it isn't available with our new cable company. So I've been watching Katie Couric.

Pardon me, but am I the only one that thinks they are trying to get people ramped up and act spiteful because there is an election coming up? I guess maybe they are playing to the Republicans with all of their issues having a basis in hatred? One example: the mosque/muslim community centre at ground zero. So let me get this: Freedom to practice one's choice of religion is enshrined in the Constitution, and locally (and now nationally) the prevailing concensus is that the centre is a good idea, the location is not? Forget about bridge building with other peoples - but everyone is entitled to their freedom, except when they are not? Are they not saying in essence that all muslims are extremists with these sentiments? Is it better to continue to promote hatred and intolerance because of something that happened a decade ago? Were the victims families not compensated? Were no muslims victimized after this horrific event and still continue to be victimized to this day? This is such a hypocritical attitude to take.

And it seems that since America voted for a change from the past but now that things are not happening as fast as some would prefer that "let's be spiteful people, and vote Republican and show those ole Democrats that we're mad!" How insane is that? And then they talk about Afghanistan and how "corrupt" its government is. But the former US administration with its giving Halliburton contracts out no-bid, complete with billions in fraud...and that wasn't corrupt? So by all means, lets go back to more of that.

Each party has some bad eggs in it. Once people get into office they eventually get to the point where they seem to think, "It's good to be king" and act accordingly. Each election cycle one party will use the past against the other when they are indeed all guilty in some fashion. But a "let's show em attitude and just vote them out of office and put the Republicans back in" seems to be biting off one's nose to spite their face. It will be more of the same corruption that Cheney espoused. When I think of Republicans, two things come to mind: Sarah Palin and Halliburton. Need I go further?

The America that I grew up in is a thing of the past. It's a joke to think that they "oversee" elections in the Middle East to ensure that they are "fair" when the governor of Florida gave the election to his brother; didn't bother to count dozens of boxes of votes, etc.

This sends a message to the world that in America, you are guaranteed rights, unless someone makes enough noise that riles up emotions and then those rights get overlooked. Everyone is ok and equal unless enough people with money get together and say "no, they are not?" Does this make any sense? There is freedom to practice one's religion unless it irritates someone else? Huh?

Would it not be better to demand more changes from the party in office by getting involved than by being spiteful and going back to what was? Everyone (well, at least the majority) wanted a change - so how is going backwards going to fix what is making people unhappy? Where is the progression? Where are the lessons of the past that were learned? Are they just forgotten? It's confusing; it's laughable; it's terribly sad.

The symbol that once was America is now a dollar sign, even though it's a very big red dollar sign. Letting hatred prevail will only lead to civil unrest. How about actually working together to make the country what is was founded to be?

Would it not be a good idea to disallow Representatives and Senators from being allowed to stay in office for decades? Isn't that precisely the biggest part of the problem...old, rich white men with interest primarily with themselves? Isn't that white supremacy in action? Doesn't that contradict America's values?

For once you guys have a "cool" president that is young and has strong opinions and bold ideas that, given the chance, most likely will change the country for the better. How many people actually contact their representatives and get involved as opposed to just grouse about this and that? Crap, even I write to the White House with suggestions from time to time and I don't even live in the country at present.

I just don't understand what has happened to the US since the 90's. It is the diversity of the the populous that made the US into what it once was. That diversity should be embraced, not scorned now.

You can't have rights only when it's convenient for the most vocal. It either is, or it isn't. There are no in-betweens in the law...or there shouldn't be may be more precise.

And kudos to the House member that wants to change an Amendment to the Constitution to state that non-citizens, whether in the country legally or illegally and give birth while there will not have US citizenship automatically granted to their offspring. That will take away a lot of incentive for many to go there and put an even harder burden on the economy. I thought it was great when Ireland did the same 2 years ago. But some Republicans say "you can't mess with the Constitution" that is, unless WE are the ones doing it, such as The Defense of Marriage Act. Or what about the Terri Shiavo show-stopper to try and garner votes, even though it is stepping all over people's rights to decide end of life issues in a private and personal manner? And to heck with the concept of division of church and state, "We can do what WE want...but YOU can't!"

I'm sorry, but I'm just not gettin it:confused:

Please get America back on track and stop the sensationalism in the media. Just report the news and keep attitudes and opinions out of it. The facts do speak for themselves.

I hope this will open a civil dialogue with some rational ideas with hatred left out of the equation.

Humbly submitted for your feedback.
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I am American and in live in South Carolina.. You make alot of good points I think the biggest problem is the current administration is putting the screws to the rich folks and big business. They do not like that . I believe they are the ones behind the whole mess(es) we are facing here now anad seemed to be contantly stired up. ALot of us who (simple/poorer people) can only raise I opinion at polls may not have enough influence evntho we are the ones facing the worse of the problems...... Reminds me of the Great quote" let them eat cake then" form France's old days. time will tell.


New member
That's partially true, but one voice, no matter how timid, CAN make a difference. Just look at Rosa Parks...poor, black, tired of being second-class and now a historical figure. It doesn't necessarily take means to effect change, just thought and action.