the paperclip test


Admiral of Fugues
In the Sydney Morning Herald ...

Of Mr Campbell, Mr Rees said: "This gentleman is as honest as the day is long and he's the sort of bloke that if he took a paper clip home accidentally, he'd bring two back the next day."

Hmmm, if I took a paper clip home, I can't say I'd return it to the office, not sure.


New member
Not sure I would, I certainly would not feel the need to replace it with two.

I have quite a few items from one place I worked, but the company went bust and then man who owned it said help yourself.



New member
Don't think I would replace it with two, either.

Margaret - I used to work at a Country Club a loooooooooong time ago. They were going bust and the owner told us to take what we wanted, as well. So I wound up with service for 8 of Wedgewood dinnerware in the Kutani Crane pattern. Worth about $2K. Small wonder they went bust. We used to have to count the china every night and then lock it up in a cupboard. One night when we were putting dinner plates away, one of the waitresses had had a little too much champagne and was carrying about 20 plates to the cupboard and dropped them...SMASH! She was so scared that she almost fell into the rubbish bin trying to hide the bits on the bottom. So when everyone was helping themselves to bottles of booze at the closing, I thought more long-term. I still have the china and use it all the time. I'm so glad the owner was in such a giving spirit!