The little green dot


Hi everybody,

When I put the mouse pointer over the green dot below a user's avatar, a text pops up saying “<user> is on a distinguished road”.

Well, that's what it says for every user I've tried, except for myself: now the green dot says “acc is an unknown quantity”.

Does anybody have an explanation for this difference?


Hmm, that is odd. lol

Maybe Kh can shed some light on this. Seems rather unfair. Hopefully we can get you on that distinguished road like the rest of us before long. lol

Edit- When I hover my pointer over my green dot, it doesn't say anything at all... Hmmm...


Staff member
Hi acc,

Ok - Green dot explained:
These are directly related to "reputation points", and are part of the vBulletin software application that MIMF uses.

Each member, upon registering in this forum, is given 10 Reputation Points, which shows "[member name] is on a distinguished road". If another member likes your posting, they can add to your reputation points by clicking on the icon below the green dot.

Anyone can check their own reputation points in one of two ways:
  1. Click on "User Control Panel" at top left. This opens up a screen that shows your current reputation points and who gave you the additional points, for which post, and on what date.
  2. On your own posting, click on that scale icon and a little window will appear showing how many points you currently have.
At this time though, they are not used for anything, nor will any extra privileges or statuses be granted to any member for having the most points - they mean absolutely nothing.

Btw, acc, have given you several reputation points today for asking this excellent question ... If you hover over that green dot now, you will see that you "Are on a distinguished road" once again. :D:D

If you hover over the green dot on any post other than the one just submitted, the "distinguished road" should appear.


Thank you, Master Krummhorn, for your kind and knowledgeable explanation, and also for putting me back onto the distinguished road! :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat: