Fretless, you see how happy I felt with your entry on Arild Andersen , I simply had to write the same post twice, so at your convienience Fretless? Now how did that happen?
Fretless let me throw in a couple of
Arild Andersen´s albums from the ECM stock for free, being thrilled by your entry:
"Masqualero - Aero" and
"Masqualero - Re-Enter" almost the same instrumentation, except for the guitar, feat. Niels Petter Molvaer (trumpet), Tore Brunborg (tenor and soprano saxophone) Rune Alnaes (guitar) and Jon Chruistensen (drums).
"Lifelines" feat. Kenny Wheeler (trumpet, flugelhorn), Steve Dobrogozs (piano) and Paul Motian (drums). Awesome album.
"A Molde Concert" LIVE feat. Bill Frisell (guitar), John Taylor (piano) and Alphonzo Mouzon (former Weather Report drummer).
"If You Look Far Enough" feat. Ralph Towner (acoustic 6-12 string guitars), Audun Kleive (snare drum) and Nana Vasconcelos (percussion).
"Hyperborean" feat. Bendik Hofseth (tenor saxophone), Tore Brunborg (tenor and soprano saxophone), Kenneth Knudsen (keyboards), Paolo Vinaccia (drums, percussion) and The Cikada String Quartet.
There ar two older albums with
Arild Andersen from a group called
Vangelis, quite new to me. The title is
"Through The Dark", Lyra Records 1996 feat. Markus Stockhausen (trumpet, flugelhorn), David Lynch (tenor and soprano saxophone), Savina Yannatou (voice), Yorgus Kontrafouris (piano), Spyros Panagiotopoulos (drums, percussion) and Nicos Touliatos (percussion) and the other album:
"Kristin Lavransdatter" FXCD Records 1995 feat. Tore Brunborg (saxophones), Reider Skår (piano, keyboards) and Paolo Vinaccia (drums, percussion).
Finally the trio
Dahl/Andersen/Heral on the two albums
"The Sign" Stunt Records 2002 and
"Moon Water" Stunt Records 2004 feat. Carsten Dahl (piano, marimba, vibes), Arild Andersen (bass) and Patrice Heral (drums, percussion, voice).
Should keep you busy and thrilled for a couple of hours, however please keep coming back!!
Best regards,