Text Colour and Line Skipping Issues

JasonSomethi Ng

New member
Hey everyone! I'm a newcomer to this forum and I can't seem to figure out how to turn my text white (which is much easier to read on the dark blue background of the site). It stays black even when I change the font colour. I also can't seem to jump to the next line since pressing enter does nothing. If anyone can advise me on this issues, I would really appreciate it! Thanks again guys!


If you import text using copy/paste, the text will be in the original colour, if that is the case highlight the text, click on the large "A" at the top centre of the edit window which gives you a drop down selection of colours to choose from, yellow is probably the most visible. If you need to remove other formatting from text, again highlight it and click on the second icon from the left at the top, 2 "A"s with a red "X" and you will get plain text, any bold, underline or italics will be converted to plain text, alternatively if you are pasting formatted text click on the third from left icon before pasting, that will remove colour & bold etc, which method you use depends on what you want to remove and what to retain.