If you have a new concept, or invention, you should have new terminology, or names or words.
You can't call a combination of an acoustic piano and electronics a crossover, no, you can't.
A crossover occurs when two established elements of disparate origin combine.
You're talking about a totally traditional instrument, a piano, and modern electronics.
You're looking at a musical overlay, the original combined with the new.
And whether it's the notes, instruments or technology,
rock and jazz cats would call anything like this fusion, or world-beat,
just working with what's out there.
What would Schoenberg call it?
I am a symphonic-electronic lead guitarist-vocalist, playing an inventive semi-solid-body guitar I built.
Show me the concert hall for a symphonic-electric gig, and I'll be there.
Now you've got me agonizing about being symphonic-electric instead of electronic.