Searching for a movie OST


New member
Hi folks,
yesterday I had a theme in my mind that I knew was one of the main themes of a movie I saw maybe a year ago.
It sounded like this (maybe some slight differences, but the character should be clear):

View attachment 1808

Here's als the Lilypond-Code, if you want to listen to it etc.:

melody = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 4/4

\partial 4 a | fis'2.( d8 fis |
b) b4( a8 e2) |
e8( fis g4. d8_.) d4 |
a8( fis'4 e4)~e2 |


\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout { }
\midi { }

I know that one of you will remember it! :grin:


New member
Hey I'd love to help you. Could you explain to me how to use the LilyPond stuff? How to listen to it, I mean...


New member
Go to, paste it into the source code editor. There is an option to generate a .midi-File.
Easier solution: Take an instrument and play these few notes, you will recognise it if you know it.


New member
Haha, I had someone play it for me, but it didn't ring a bell. Unfortunately I can't find the source code editor you're talking about. Man, this is bothering me, now I want to know what it is^^

Where did you hear it?