hey falcon1 sorry to hear of the economic troubles in Iceland ... I blame George W. Bush.
Hi falcon1 and CT64 :tiphat::tiphat:
Dear falcon1 :tiphat: I can only agree with you as for the current hopeless economical situation for Iceland having had such a progress in the economy during the 1990´s and up to this USA created financial world wide crises as of today, reminding ourselves of a possible revival on the Wall Street Crash on Black Thursday in Óctober in the USA in 1929, which launched the period in the USA called - The Depression in the 1930´s. But that´s history.
Dear CT64 :tiphat:
So you do have a minor knowledge on international politics and economics, since you´re not even a fighter/protester on gay polices, after all. However not that much evidently, since you blame George W. Bush on this current disasterous economical matter.
Sorry sir CT64! But for once in the past devastating "USA down the drain" - philosophy dominated by the christian crusadors of the Republican Party in the US for the past consecutive 8 years, we can not blame Junior (GWB) on the current economical crises in the USA and the world among corporate buisnesses, banks and insurance companies, like the AIG, Lemann etc. etc. as to the reason for the economical crises today, but we can blame Junior for hiding it and obvoisuly to all Americans leaving this disaster to the next President of the USA come the November 4 election, probably after last night´s debate between the two competitors Senator McCain and Senator Obama - it will be Barack Obama to win the Presidency of the pretended democracy of USA, who is way ahead and now after Senator McCain entitled and adressed Senator Barack Obama - That One. Indicating - the expression That One - equals "a thing" or "an animal". But then we all knew that Senator McCain has always had huge problems with his temper, so being left without any chances of becomming the next president post his disquise involved in an old coruption scandale, he boiled over last night in the most devastating and condescending remarks towards his oponent from the Democrats, Senator Barack Obama, on Live TV world wide.
The current USA disasterous economical crises began in the first part of the 1990´s, when the housing industry for builders and contractors excploded in the USA from coast to coast. But as always with the USA - pretending to be -, like with the covered up USA performed terrorists operations throughout South America 1955-1985, and the current covered up GENOSIDE to the state of Iraq and the iraqi people, since the first invation of Iraq, due to Saddam Hussain´s invation of Kuwait, leaving 1,4 million children since then from the age of one day to 12 years of age victims of mass starvation in Iraq (what we internationally according to the Human Rights and the Rome Statute from the year 2000 on GENOSIDE, entitled Passsive Genoside). Add to this the current number of 1.270 million iraqi adults killed by bombs from above or machineguns, crowded bombs, hand granates, land mines and fire from the artillery - The usual standard orders for US soldiers - Shoot To Kill.
So dear Aussie resident, I thank you humbly and respectfully for this completely unexpected opportunity for me, you know, interested in international politics, hence 30 years of work within politics in the EU and Africa, and in particular the history and culture of the USA from the Declaration of Independence in 1776, to give you some facts that you should have known, before giving Junior the blame on this crises too.
However, it is a fact that the first suggestion from President Junior to this 700 billion dollar "rescue package" was meant by Junior to help his friends in corporate America. For the first time in US histrory since 1776, using communist methods like one Fidel Castro on Cuba, when he wiped out the former President Batista, by nationalising the casinos and the banks from these mobsters from the USA. Like I´ve stated in January, the elite in both communism and capitalism often using the same methods, though nationalising banks and corporate buisnesses in America, completely new and not appropriate to even his own political party members. That´s why the whole deal had to be rewritten, so the taxpayers could not be taken hostages on this matter created by corporate America.
The "rescue package" on 700 billion dollars, which will not make any difference in rescuing USA out of the mess created by the banks and investment bankers this particular highly religous Republican government has been hiding for the past 8 years, probably praying to God for help for the past 8 years, evidently with no results.
That is why is was so obvious to all representatives in the Senate from both parties that this suggestion had to be rewritten, so the taxpayers (as usual in the history of the USA) should NOT be fined for something not at all their fault.
Investing way to much money in the construction buisnesses in the 1990´s, building new houses, not many people could afford at that time, cost a lot of small buisnesses their lives, leaving the depths to the banks unpayed for.
CT64, perhaps you should have contacted your alter ego at the MIMF, before handing the blame for this revival of the possible Wall Street Crash 1929/2008 economical disaster, to President Junior too.
For anyone who has the courage to study the covered up ongoing GENOSIDE to the State of Iraq and the innocent iraqi people:
http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Oct06/Petersen16.htm - aprox. at the price of 700 billion dollars 2003-2008 to be payed for by the US tax payers.