• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Rodgers Insignia 537, 548; Allen MDS-45


New member
Would anybody who has experience with the abovementioned models of organ please describe them in detail -- also whether anybody knows where a MDS-45 or Insignia 537 in excellent working condition might be available in the Southeast with a sticker price of $20,000 or less. Am aware of this one for more:


It doesn't have to be either of those model, it just has to be an excellent classical organ that will work reliably for at least 15-20 years. We have had tons of trouble with one of the above models but are willing to give another unit of it a chance if in has a good track record.

Thank you. I don't see a thread for instrument exchange -- do we need one?

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Hecklephone,

I'm sending you a *Private Message*. Just click on the *Private Message* link on the upper-right hand corner of the MIMF Forum Page.


CD :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:
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New member
Could I ask which model was troublesome? I understand many problems with Insignia 537. I am very interested to know if anyone has had problems with Rodgers 548.


New member
548 = poor tuning and regulation, little things don't work like the sustain pedal thing and setting of upper range for great-on-pedal. Some MIDI sounds are fine (great harpsichord, guitar, piano, strings), some laughable. I had no idea about polyphony; had thought the dropouts on full textures was a defect on the 537. Dealer pouted that they'd ergo wished I'd been there to help the church choose the instrument (still didn't mention polyphony), but the same effect does occur on the 548 sometimes. To me this is just a great company in decline, but I seem to be the only one having these 548 problems, and I know I'm not over-picky. (I am a professional, unlike some O/Ds.) Every pipe builder knows that flue stops are supposed to be voiced louder from bottom to top of the keyboard, but Rodgers has apparently forgotten it, so bringing out melodies is an ongoing challenge. Since I'm the only one doing any complaining in the Rodgers Organ Users Group, it appears many others are satisfied with their instruments. Perhaps you will be too if you buy one. I make the 548 work and people have no idea it's any trouble. To me the Allen MDS-45 is still the king of 2-manuals -- recently found one via onecraigs.com, haven't made an offer.


Staff member
It's quite true what you say about the Allen MDS-45. I've played more concerts on that particular model than any of the other Allen's from that time era.

Going back a few years, a large Catholic church where I was the Sr. Organist had an Allen ADC-8000 that I utilized to the fullest. Wonderful acoustics in that church that seated 950. The console was on a dolly and could be rotated for concerts - Also had a full antiphonal speaker setup directly over and behind the choir.

I was then, and still today, not at all enthused about anything that brand "R" makes. There is a 3 manual Rodgers augmented with 5 ranks of pipes in a Lutheran church not far from where I live. The pipes are really nice ... the electronics do not complement the 'winded' part of the organ very well, except for the boomy pedal stops.

I lost sales to brand "R" when I was doing institutional sales for Allen ... the only reason I lost the sales were that "R" cut their bid price by thousands upon thousands of dollars. Allen does not discount - they don't have to. Several years later, those very sales I lost to brand "R" came back and bought an Allen. I was, later on, a certified Allen tech for the MOS and ADC systems.

I no longer retain the certification nor have the service manuals.


New member
Do you have any observations about the 558?
548 = poor tuning and regulation, little things don't work like the sustain pedal thing and setting of upper range for great-on-pedal. Some MIDI sounds are fine (great harpsichord, guitar, piano, strings), some laughable. I had no idea about polyphony; had thought the dropouts on full textures was a defect on the 537. Dealer pouted that they'd ergo wished I'd been there to help the church choose the instrument (still didn't mention polyphony), but the same effect does occur on the 548 sometimes. To me this is just a great company in decline, but I seem to be the only one having these 548 problems, and I know I'm not over-picky. (I am a professional, unlike some O/Ds.) Every pipe builder knows that flue stops are supposed to be voiced louder from bottom to top of the keyboard, but Rodgers has apparently forgotten it, so bringing out melodies is an ongoing challenge. Since I'm the only one doing any complaining in the Rodgers Organ Users Group, it appears many others are satisfied with their instruments. Perhaps you will be too if you buy one. I make the 548 work and people have no idea it's any trouble. To me the Allen MDS-45 is still the king of 2-manuals -- recently found one via onecraigs.com, haven't made an offer.


New member
You are not alone with this 'dispointing' experience with the 548.. I've sent you a private message and.. I intend to tell more about this 'poorly tuned' organ. Thanks