Somebody on another forum accused me of reading the wrong newspaper, said forum has a Community area similar to this, but with a somewhat lower intellectual level of content, I thought my response was worthy of further dissemination and maybe comment.
It's been ignored so far
The only paper I read is the local daily, that does occasionally carry something relevant to me, I stopped taking national dailies years ago, same as I've stopped watching the goggle box, I don't wish to be further poisoned by the meejya.
This place (referring to that other forum) is getting near as bad "joe bloggs or fanny adams has died/got married/had kids/abortion", whoever or whatever it was, I don't need to know; those that are interested in pseudo celebs can read or hear it plastered all over the place, do we really need it overflowing into these pages? Keep it for farcebook and twatter. [/rant]
It's been ignored so far