Question about booking talent


New member
I've been thinking about getting more serious as a touring musician. I've been a touring musician locally (Western United States - Colorado, Utah, Wyoming) but I've been thinking about my options nationally at this point and I'm trying to figure out the best way to move forward.

I'm a keyboardist/vocalist/acoustic guitarist and I would like to find a big act to tour with and I'm trying to figure out the best way to find the best gig. I've had a booking agent in the past, but it was only for local work. I essentially need to find an agent that represents talent in the national market. My styles include jazz, classical, rock, country, ragtime, etc... The last gig I had was for about 3 years in a 'pop-country' group for:

I did an immense amount of playing and backup vocals as I'm a high-tenor and my voice mixes well with both male and female parts.

I'm not really sure if there is anyone in these forums that might have suggestions for me, but I thought I would ask and see what kind of feedback I might get. I guess I'm hoping that the suggestions aren't to move to one of those markets (i.e. LA, Nashville, NY) to network.

I feel that I should be able to get an agent that would find a good placement but I just don't know where to start.

If anyone here has suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Oh, and to give you an idea of a portion of my skillset, I do have a video/audio that gives a good representation of my abilities.

Thanks for your time and any help/information/guidance you might have. I do appreciate it.