Need Help, whats the name of that song?


New member

i was recently in holiday and heard that song, but i cant find it. The song plays while i was recording a video. Do anyone know the name of that song?

Thank you!

Gr. Richie


Staff member
The recordings are of such poor quality, that it's really hard to discern the style of music being played. Obviously, this was recorded at a concert venue, so what group was playing, and/or where was this concert being performed?

That additional information would really help to identify the piece.

Btw, welcome to MIMF - we hope to see you around the forum participating in our plethora of great discussions.


New member
Thanks for welcome me and thanks for trying to find that song!

That was open-air music on a beach "Star Beach" in Crete. On DJ area stand something with "London Mix" ...


New member
Welcome, and to me, it almost sounds like a dance/techno song that I'm not totally sure of the name, but I think it might be Gia by Despina Vandi (a Greek singer). Couldn't really tell from the quality, though.
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