Need help identifying this music...Anyone?????


New member
Hi ya all, I am new here. I would need some help. Does anyone know the artist for the background music, here:


Staff member
As is the case with 99% of all commercial ads, the music is called 'original music', something that was commissioned to be composed just for that particular advertisement.

The reason for not using an existing work is due to copyright laws and/or having to pay royalties to performers each time the piece is played/heard.

It's frustrating ... some music is like that ... we can appreciate it without knowing what it was or is. You could write to the company who is being promoted in that video but doubtful even they would know, since the "job" was most likely farmed out to another agency who specializes in getting music commissioned for such things.

In the meantime though, why not have a look around our forum. We have a wonderful assortment of on going topics of discussion, surely something of interest to you. We are a friendly community and we hope that you will become a regular participating member.