Music preferrences in profiles?


Might it be an idea to include a members musical preferences in their profile, just a general classification such as Classical, Jazz, Rock, or maybe a slightly more specific level such as Baroque Classical, Dixieland Jazz, Progressive Rock etc, but not to the level of artist/composer which could be a bit unwieldy.


Staff member
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the suggestion :).
We will take it into consideration.


New member
Good post. I appreciate it.
Many thanks to ur post. I love it.

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New member
Seems like an excellent idea though it must not lead to isolation of various specialist forums (such as my choice - Jazz).
Already in my brief FORUM career I have found some of the references to other forums. and the threads that spring therefrom, of unexpected interest.

Frederik Magle

Staff member
This can be done, adding an option to select up to 31 choices in a multiple selection menu or with check-boxes (but it will look better in a menu, especially with longer descriptions).

Now, which 31 choices to select to get around to the most possible corners of music in a representative way? The last one is already taken: "Other" :), that leaves 30 different genre to select.

Let us know your suggestions, thanks.


Why did I suggest this :confused: :rolleyes:

OK first thoughts, (starting with what I think I know best)


Everything pre 1600 *

1600 - 1750
1750 - 1900
1900 to present

For each period, Solo and small groups say up to Quintet, Full orchestra, e.g Symphonies, Concertos, Ballet etc. Vocal/Choral to include church anthems, masses etc but not including opera.

Opera to be separate Genre not tied to period

Organ separate Genre possibly including other keyboard instruments

Possibly 12 selections for Classical, maybe an "Other classical", *maybe to include the pre 1600 period"




Big band swing

Modern Jazz

?Does one split any of the above Jazz sections further e.g. bop from Modern?

Posibly 4 or 5 for Jazz


Can somebody come up with the rock/pop selections, suggest maybe include an "Other pop" for anything that don't fit in easy.

Where do Film music (?other pop?) and Military bands (? other?) fit


The above is only an outline for discussion, we gotta start somewhere!

I would think that for pop, pre 1950 would be good for one section, after that Rock really begins to appear with Bill Haley and his contemporaries, after that you start to diversify, and then you do need to separate the groups into whatever classifications and also separate from the singers like Dean Martin, Doris Day, Cher, Tina Turner, Sinatra, Mel Tormé and many others, maybe the singers should be one separate genre.
Bit of a minefield if you ask me!!



Could somebody please pick holes in this and/or add to it, I don't really know enough about the various genre to do it accurately.

Pop and rock sub divisions.

pre 1950s.


solo singers e.g. Nat Cole, Tina Turner, Cher, Sinatra, Tormé, Dean Martin, Doris Day, Streisand, Middler, Presley, Buddy Holly, etc,

singing groups e.g. Inkspots, 4 Freshmen, Swingles, Manhattan transfer, Abba, real group, singers unlimited, Spice girls, etc


Early rock/R&B 50s=>60s

Progresssive Rock


Heavy Metal



Where would you put somebody like Spike Jones, or Stan Freburg, "other" ?


Staff member
I think, as a good starting point, we should have options for the classes or genres of music styles represented in this forum.

I also think sub-dividing all the categories for each genre of music will greatly exceed the 30 item list. All the Metal should be just that, Metal ... the same for Classical.

Spike Jones ... wow, that's a memory jog. I think it was classed as "popular music" in its day. We really don't have a "popular music" forum category, per se.


At the moment there are about 10 divisions within the forum, so I figured with the 30 item menu some subdivision would be an advantage

The divisions I suggested above so far for Classical and Jazz would take up about 16 or 17 divisions, leaving at least a dozen for pop/rock, my rough outline for pop and rock only uses about 9, so there is a bit of room for manoeuvre.

Looking again I see I have not included film/movie scores, nor a division for instruments as such.


Interesting post from davidwilson. I did not know guests could post. His spelling is almost as bad as mine.



Staff member
sasggfjhjyhhfhkikhyiuyrh uioirrfhehdsjodfjdijoifjidfodfpdisouhduejlsdjsbhcbvjik

. . . I did not know guests could post . . .

This forum area is the only one where that can happen ... it was designed to assist those registering for the first time through any problems they may encounter during that process. Needless to say, we've helped quite a few over the years.

If the "guest" posting gets out of hand (re: spam and such), we will make it 'restricted' being that any new thread/post will require staff approval.

The 'guest' post of davidwillson above is/was complete gibberish, and has been removed by yours truly :tiphat:. Now you see it, now you don't ... :lol: ...


Good idea as long as one can be as vauge as one wishes. i.e. interst GENERAL or JAZZ AND CLASSICAL. I agree that sub headings could be complicated i.e. Dixieland from September to December 1927 only. Keep it simple would have to be the rule, otherwise it becomes cumbersome.
