no... no... don't continue... no... I'm trancing already, and it's just the last one.
Give us a chance to catch up.
It's hard to type when my body is moving to the music.
Stop that. It's your fault.
Oh no, now I'm singing to it like it's a backing track.
At least I'm still feeling the love... the love... the love around you...
giant steps are what I take, walking on the moon....
please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man with a casino card...
I've been playing all night long, picking butts up off the floor, I smoked shatter...
oh yeah, time to plug in the Crybaby and wah-wah away with my very floppy left foot...
oooo... love to love you baby....
I feel love I feel love I feel love IIIIII feeeeel lovvvvvvve......
uh-oh, I just knocked my two foot purple crayola crayon over...
feets don'fail me now