medieval music thesis topic


New member
Greetings all -- I hate for my first post to be a desperate plea for help, but unfortunately that's just what it is. I'm a graduate student, struggling to find a topic for a medieval music class. We've barely covered anything as of yet -- so I'm kind of running into trouble when it comes to figuring out a good thesis for a paper that's due at the end of the semester. I was hoping to focus on some kind of question dealing with troubadors and trouveres, but haven't figured out anything substantial as of yet.

I had a WONDERFUL topic picked out about some Irish monk liturgical fragments found in Vienna -- sadly I met a dead end when it came to actually locating said fragments. Rather than spend the entire semester searching for something that might not pan out -- I figured I'd make a little post here and ask if anyone could point me in a good direction.

I'm not looking for a paper that's already written, just a good idea for a question that I can thoroughly address. Normally I have no problem coming up with a paper topic, but medieval music is most definitely my weak spot!

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


New member
Ever listened to the Moody Blues with Nights in White Satin? The whole
album sounds like medieval music. Give it a try!
judy tooley


New member
Thanks Corno Dolce, checking out that link.. interesting stuffs. Wikipedia kinda scares me sometimes though, you never know when someone wrote a page just as a joke. (This one looks alright..)

Lute Lover

New member
I hope I can help you

Hello Seraluna,
visit our website - we are an early and classical label have just what you're looking for to inspire your thesis.

Let me know if you find something that you like.