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    Frederik Magle


Looking for a Dupre Score...


New member
Hi all! I'm new here. I've been trying desperately to track down a certain Dupre score. I'm looking for his Sixteen Chorales (Le Tombeau de Titelouze) Op. 38, but I want the H.W. Gray edition. I know Leduc has it, but it is so expensive and I've seen the Gray edition and really like it and know it's much cheaper. However, nobody seems to have it! I don't know if it's out of print or not. My school library had it and it look like it was printed fairly recently so I thought it must be out there somewhere. If someone could help me track it down that would be great!


Staff member
Hi, and welcome to this forum ...

You might want to check out this site as it has a digital version that one can download ... it shows it being the Gray Edition (published by Alfred Music) for $6.95 USD.

Now, it wouldn't be the "book" version, but the contents would probably be the same.


New member
Ah yes I did come across that site earlier. It's tempting and might be my only choice if I want the Alfred. I'd just much prefer the book if possible, though it seems unlikely at this point.


New member
Well, the reason I wanted the Gray edition is because it has the Latin and English translations of the hymns they are based off of as well as fingering suggestions that I found helpful. Does the Bornemann edition have that? If it does I could just buy it, but I've never seen it. I was just hesitant about putting out $40 dollars for it if it doesn't have everything I want.


New member
That's a sample page of Borneman's edition. Hope you can enlarge it to see details. If not let me know your email adress, will send you a pdf file then.


New member
Hmm, it's a little hard to see, but it looks to me then like the only difference between the Borneman and the Gray is that the translation is in French not in English. Otherwise it looks the same.